Author Guidelines for TTUJOT

  • Authors should kindly note that submission to this journal implies that this manuscript or part of its content has not been submitted or published elsewhere.
  • The Publisher should be informed if writers want to withdraw their article—i.e. before the review process commences.
  • Authors are responsible for preparing manuscripts written in scholarly English—devoid of errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Only manuscripts with minimum typographical errors will be accepted for publication.
  • All parts of the text, except the title should be justified.
  • Authors must provide a proof-reading Certificate
  • Authors must provide Turnitin result certificate SI not more than 20%.
  • Authors are to submit manuscripts to the Editor through

Manuscript Plan

The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: title page (a separate file) and the main text file with Figures or/and Tables. The number of words, including the abstract, should not be more than 8000. The manuscript should be double-spaced.

Title Page

Your title page should be a separate file and should include the following information:

  • The title of the paper should be bold, font size 14, Times New Roman, and centered.
  • Author(s)’ full name(s) and their institutional affiliations, academic degree, complete mailing address, telephone number, all italicized and in font size 12.
Main File, to include

NOTE: As manuscripts undergo double-blind review, the main file should not include any information about the author(s).

Main Text: The main text should include:

  • Title: the title of the paper should be written with font size 12, Times New Roman
  • Abstract: 200 words. The abstract should include the problem statement, purpose/aim/objective, methodology, major results, conclusion, and/or recommendations briefly expressed. It should be written in English language and should also be italicized.
  • Keywords : Please provide not more than 5 keywords (left-margined, skipping one line after the abstract).
  • IMRAD: The main content of the text should be based on the IMRAD format (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion).
  • Headings and sub-headings: The main headings should be bold and the sub-headings in bold and italics. The heading and sub-headings should be numbered with Arabic numerals. (i.e., main headings should be 1. , 2. , 3. , … while sub-headings should be , 1.1 , 1.2 , 2.1. , …).

  • References
    • References should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (preferably the 7th edition). This means in-text citations should be based on the author-date method whereby the author(s)’ last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Appiah, 2007). The complete reference list should appear alphabetically by name at the end of the paper.
    • Ensure that all cited works have been adequately and appropriately referenced

Manuscript Structure

The structure of the manuscript should be as follows:

  • Background
  • Research Problem
  • Aims/Purpose
  • Objective(s)
  • Research Questions/hypotheses
  • Significance/rationale/justification of study
Methods/Tools and Materials

The methods should indicate the following (if applicable):

  • Study area
  • Design (Justification)
  • Population (Justification)
  • Sampling Technique(s) (Justification)
  • Data Collection Instrument(s) (Justification)
  • Tools and materials (Creative Arts)
  • Design/creative process (Creative Arts)
  • Aesthetic appreciation (Creative Arts)
  • Data Analysis Technique(s) (Justification)
  • Ethical Issues
  • Data Quality (Validity and Reliability)

The results should be separated from the discussion and be presented according to the Research Questions/Objectives.


The discussion should be based on the findings and theories that inform the study.


Conclusions must be done according to the findings of the study.


Indicate recommendation for practice/implementation, policy and future research based on the study (where appropriate).

  • All information cited in-text should be acknowledged in the reference.
  • Citations in the text should be appropriate to the APA (7 th ) style.
  • References arranged in alphabetical order should be placed at the end of the manuscript on a separate page.
Tables, Figures and Figures
  • Relevant Tables, Figures and Graphs should appear in the manuscript where they are referred to.
  • Tables, Figures and Graphs should be labelled.
  • Supplementary Tables, Figures and Graphs should appear in the appendix.